Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Freedom of Storms

This is what I woke up to this morning:

What a beautiful thing God has made winter to be,
by stripping the trees and letting us see their shapes and forms.
What a freedom does it seem to give to the storms.
- Dorothy Wordsworth

1 comment:

  1. Out of nothing.

    _____________This morning the world was gone;
    Only grayness outside, so dense, so close
    Against the window that it seemed no season,
    No place, and no thought almost,
    Except what preys at the edge of thought, unknown;
    But it was snow. The flakes, extremely fine
    And falling unseen, still made the bough
    Of the hemlock whiten. Here and now -
    Twig by twig, needle by needle - a plume
    Reached through the grayness,
    Intricate purity that somehow could assume
    Its own being in its own space,
    Out of nothing...
    ___________________or out of a cold November
    Dawn that anyone could see, this grace
    That no one can ever quite remember.

    -Hayden Carruth (#1 from "the sleeping beauty")
