Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Eternal Moment

"To refine, to clarify, to intensify that eternal moment in which we alone live there is but a single force - the imagination." - William Carlos Williams, Spring and All

Today, I think I understood the eternal moment. To be entirely content in one moment, entirely at peace with whatever has led me here, and whatever is ahead of me... "All times contemporaneous in the mind." (Ezra Pound) Not just living in the moment, but living in all moments, letting the imagination "refine, clarify, and intensify that eternal moment"... Sorry if this makes no sense. If you take a class on Pound and Williams, you may understand what I'm saying. Or not. I don't understand half the things I said in that class...

Anyway, something about this poem seems relevant, but I haven't spent enough time with it to really know why... (PS I love the last line)

Anytime - W.S. Merwin

How long ago the day is
when at last I look at it
with the time it has taken
to be there still in it
now in the transparent light
with the flight in the voices
the beginning in the leaves
everything I remember
and before it before me
present at the speed of light
in the distance that I am
who keep reaching out to it
seeing all the time faster
where it has never stirred from
before there is anything
the darkness thinking the light

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